Wisconsin Farmers Union: Survey seeks opinions on Wisconsin Cheese label

Danielle Endvick
Communications Director
Wisconsin Farmers Union
715.723.5561 | cell 715.471.0398
117 W. Spring St. | Chippewa Falls, WI

Wisconsin Farmers Union is conducting a survey to learn what farmers and consumers think about the “Wisconsin Cheese” label. The survey seeks farmers’ and consumers’ input on how much of the milk in a Wisconsin Cheese should come from Wisconsin dairy farms.

“Wisconsin farmers, cheesemakers and even our consumers take a lot of pride in our dairy heritage and the quality of our dairy products,” said Wisconsin Farmers Union President Darin Von Ruden. “As farmers face one of the worst declines in dairy prices they’ve seen in decades, we want to be sure the ‘Wisconsin Cheese’ label is being used to its fullest potential.”

The Wisconsin Cheese label is managed by the Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin, formerly the Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board. Dairy farmers fund Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin via a mandatory assessment on each hundred pounds of milk sold.

The survey is only six questions long and shouldn’t take more than two minutes. It can be found at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/WisconsinCheeseSurveyLink.