WisBusiness: Patent Office Upholds More WARF Stem Cell Patents


Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF) officials are praising a United States Patent and Trademark Office decision announced today upholding WARF’s claims on the non-profit foundation’s two most important base human embryonic stem cell patents. The decisions are final and cannot be appealed.

These actions mark the second time in two weeks that the patent office has supported the claims of key stem cell patents held by WARF. On February 25, the office affirmed the claims of a third patent also relating to Dr. James Thomson’s discovery and culture of human embryonic stem cells.

Carl Gulbrandsen, managing director of WARF, lauded the series of patent office rulings, noting that appropriate intellectual property protections are critical to stimulating private sector investment in technology development and bringing the benefits of research to the public in the form of new therapies and treatments.

“The patent office has conducted a thoughtful and thorough review of all three patents and we applaud this final decision on our two most important base stem cell patents,’’ Gulbrandsen said. “Dr. Thomson’s groundbreaking work already has led to additional scientific breakthroughs and this latest ruling affirms that his pioneering discoveries are patentable inventions.’’
